Choose the word nearest to the word in bold

Qtn 1: After many years of struggle as a trader, he
struck gold


(a) Became quite rich
(b) Won a big contract
(c) he became a gold miner
(d) became a goldsmith
Answer: A

Qtn 2: One significant character of the jet age is that it
encourages people to cut corners


(a) Not to face all problems
(b) to want to become rich quickly
(c) to want to avoid unnecessary hardships
(d) forfeit the opportunity of further education.
Answer: B

Qtn3: The lady who won the beauty contest had a good


(a) Stature
(b) figure
(c) elegance
(d) carriage
Answer: B

Qtn 4: It would need a high flyer to make a first class
degree in the university


(a) A smart performer
(b) an outright genius
(c) an outstanding scholar
(d) an unmitigated swat
Answer: D

Qtn 5: What you will find in the book is a bird’s eye
view of the subject


(a) A detailed account
(b) a balanced account
(c) a biased treatment
(d) a general survey
Answer: D

Qtn 6: Hers was a chequered career


(a) An interesting and successful career
(b) a career full of sorrow and tears
(c) a bright and memorable career
(d) a career full of ups and downs
Answer: D

Qtn 7: If experience is anything to go by, this action will
prove a political mine field


(a) A source of political benefits
(a) a way out of political trouble
(c) a cause for political joy
(d) an invitation to political problems.
Answer: D

Qtn 8: In my view, the play didn’t come off


(a) Succeed
(b) fail
(c) attract applause
(d) take place
Answer: D

Qtn 9: When the chips are down, we will know those
who have the courage to stand


(a) when we get to a crisis point
(b) in the final analysis
(c) when the blocks are lowered
(d) when we get to the end of the road
Answer: D

Qtn 10: She said boxing is, in fact her pet aversion


(a) something she likes very much
(b) something she dislikes very much
(c) a hobby she loves to pursue
(d) one thing she can’t
Answer: A

Qtn 11: The gateman does his work perfunctorily


(a) without commitment
(b) with speed
(c) mother’s pet
(d) father’s pet
Answer: B

Qtn 12: Members of the panel were working at cross-


(a) harmony
(b) in disunity
(c) for selfish purposes
(d) stretch
Answer: A

Qtn 13: The young man who distributed political
pamphlets on campus was promptly repudiated


(a) disowned
(b) arrested
(c) warned
(d) killed
Answer: B

Qtn 14: Adayi is a die-hard criminal


(a) hard to kill
(b) hard to arrest
(c) remorseless
(d) resentless
Answer: A

Fill each gap with most appropriate option from the
list following the gap

Qtn 15: In moments of serious economic hardship,
many people are ______ to turn to God.


(a) Concerned
(b) inclined
(c) disposed
(d) propensed
Answer: C

Qtn 16: We cannot all wear expensive shoe in situation of


(a) Diverent demand and supply
(b) uneven wear and tear
(c) different purchasing power
(d) unpredictable national income
Answer: C

Qtn 17: The centre – forward was _____________
consequently the goal was not allowed


(a) In an offside position
(b) very well positioned
(c) brilliant player
(d) the captain of the team
Answer: A

Qtn 18: AIDS is ____ disease that kills slowly but surely


(a) Too much a deadly
(b) Very deadly a
(c) so deadly
(d) such deadly a
Answer: D

Qtn19: We had a dull evening because __________


(a) Hardly the talk had begun when the lights went off
(b) hardly had the talk begun when the light went off
(c) the talk had hardly begun when the light had gone out
(d) the lights had hardly gone out when the talk began
Answer: A

Qtn 20: Soyinka’s masterful ___________ of the atmosphere
of his childhood helped to make his book, Ake, an
outright success


(a) Evocation
(b) invocation
(c) convocation
(d) revocation
Answer: A

Qtn 21: Students will always blame their teachers when
examination results are unfavourable


(a) Won’t they
(b) wouldn’t they
(c) isn’t it
(d) cant they
Answer: A

Qtn 22: Okonkwo is a stubborn man; he will never
________ his words


(a) Chew
(b) spit
(c) eat
(d) bite
Answer: C

Qtn 23: Kindly _____ me your book because my friend
has ____ mine


(a) Borrow / borrowed
(b) borrow /rent
(c) lend / lent
(d) lend/borrowed
Answer: D

Qtn 24: Three quarters of the church ________ painted by
members the previous day


(a) Were
(b) was
(c) is
(d) are
Answer: B

Qtn 25: The young boys have been caught with parts of
the stolen machine but _______admitted stealing it


(a) Neither of them has
(b) neither of them have
(c) none of them has
(d) none of them have.
Answer: B

Qtn 26: Watching carefully, I could see the fish______
along the bottom


(a) Dotting
(b) crawling
(c) diving
(d) darting
Answer: C

Qtn 27: Emeka is now a _____ student but it took him
years to ______


(a) Matured/mature
(b) mature/mature
(d) matured/matured
Answer: B

Qtn 28: The rebels will soon fight back. We have been
informed ______ their _________


(a) Of/predicament
(b) about/ indulgence
(c) on/rearmament
(d) as for/advancement
Answer: C

Qtn 29: Ali was honest and quite as a school boy but to
much drinking has now changed his
_____ and _____ his tongue


(a) Temperature/injured
(c) temperament/loosened
(d) innocence/worsened
Answer: C

Qtn 30: The hospital was closed _________ because there
were no beds to put patients ________


(a) Again/upon
(b) off/on
(c) down/at
(d) up/in
Answer: D

Qtn 31: The judge with his son _________ travelling to
Lagos now


(a) Were
(b) shall
(c) is
(d) are
Answer: C

Qtn 32: A university teacher is an _____


(a) Academic
(b) academics
(c) academician
(d) academia
Answer: A

Qtn 33: The adventurers ran into many ________ in the


(a) Dear
(b) dears
(c) deers
(d) deer
Answer: D

Qtn 34: The argument between the tow neighbous
degenerated into __


(a) A free-for all
(b) a free for all fight
(c) a flee for all
(d) a free fight
Answer: A

Qtn 35: The class _____ more girls than boys this session


(a) Comprise of
(b) comprises of
(c) comprise
Answer: D

Qtn 36: The tourist bought __________


(a) A brown, small, Nigerian earthen pot
(b) a small, brown Nigerian earthen pot
(c) an earthen, brown, small Nigerian pot
(d) a Nigerian small brown earthen
Answer: B

Qtn 37: I have already ____ the picture on the sitting-
room wall


(a) Hanged
(b) hunged
(c) hang
(d) hung
Answer: D

Qtn 38: Most of us will attend the conference ____ at
Ibadan later this year


(a) Holding
(b) held
(c) being held
(d) to hold
Answer: A

Qtn 39: I shall work hard so that I can ________ a
distinction in English


(a) Secure
(b) make
(c) receive
(d) grab
Answer: B

Qtn 40: The baby was rather _______ than I could bear


(a) Much more troublesome
(b) much too troublesome
(c) so much troublesome
(d) very much troublesome
Answer: A

Qtn 41: Students were forbidden ______ secret society


(a) From joining
(b) in joining
(c) to join
(d) on joining
Answer: A

Qtn 42: Of course, we all saw the culprit _______ and hit
the man on the head


(a) Approached
(b) Approaching
(c) Approach
(d) Approaches
Answer: C

Qtn 43: A child that shows mature characteristics at any
early age may be described as


(a) Preconceived
(b) premature
(c) ingenuous
(d) precocious
Answer: D

Qtn 44: The company Director showed the contractor a
_____ of the proposed office complex


(a) Prototype
(b) photograph
(c) microfilm
(d) photocopy
Answer: A

Qtn 45: _______ you come early to the new house, clean
up my flat


(a) While
(b) by chance
(c) should
(d) should in case
Answer: C

Qtn 46: This imposing edifice _______ a fortune to build


(a) Had costed
(b) have cost
(c) costed
(d) cost
Answer: D

Qtn 47: They let him go in ________ to his age


(a) Respect
(b) regard
(c) disregard
(d) consideration
Answer: D

Qtn 48: Some scientists are trying to _____ human beings
in their laboratories


(a) Imitate
(b) replicate
(c) implicate
(d) fabricate
Answer: B

Qtn 49: He does not seem to know how to solve the
problem _______


(a) Does not he
(b) does he not
(c) does he
(d) doesn’t he?
Answer: C

Qtn 50: These villagers _______ to grow rice


(a) Used
(b) are used
(c) were used
(d) use
Answer: A

Strange Ondo disease linked with exhumed corpse


Many residents of Ode Irele, the headquarters of Irele Local Government area of Ondo State, are now fleeing the town following the rise in the number deaths from the strange ailment that hit the place on Wednesday.

The state government on Friday confirmed that 17 persons had died from the disease, an increase from the 12 that were originally confirmed. Some sources said the death toll resulting from the disease was as high as 30.

While the government said the cause of the ailment was not known, other sources from the community blamed the death on some people that defiled the shrine of the community deity known as Malokun.

According to the source, strange death was caused by some people who incurred the wrath of the deity when they stole some artefacts from the shrine.

Kayode Akinmade, the Ondo state commissioner for information and strategy, said the deaths are directly connected to an exhumed corpse in the community.

Akinmade said the disease was not the same as Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), although it had managed to kill its victims in less than 24 hours.

“The symptoms were not that of Ebola; it’s a 24-hour attack that would make the victim to have headache, be unconscious, then after 24 hours, the person is gone. That one cannot be Ebola,” he said.

“All the necessary facility that government should provide, government has done that. We have moved all the ambulances and everything.”

He added that although there were claims that as many as 34 people had died, only 14 people had fallen victim of the strange disease.

“Available data do not indicate that 34 people have died – only 14,” he said.

“And from what we got, the 14 had personal contacts with those people who came to exhume the corpse that led to this epidemic.”

He added that the state commissioner for health, Dayo Akinyanju would “in the next couple of hours, make a state wide broadcast” to update Nigerians on the state of the disease.

Soji Gbadebo, the permanent secretary (protocol), in the state corroborated Akinmade’s position.

“There is a general allusion that there was a – there was something buried there (Ode Irele) and some people went there to exhume the thing, and sold it to this English people,” Gbadebo said.

“Only those who were directly involved have been affected by this epidemic.

“Meanwhile, government has sent powerful health team there to unravel the mystery, so, for now, we may not know what actually happened until a scientific report unfolds it.”

Governor Olusegun Mimiko stated that the government had put necessary machinery in motion to control the disease.

Mimiko, however said the state had witnessed a major health challenge said the causative agents, diagnosis and cure are also yet to be determined.

While stating the he was saddened by the losses and the attendant fear of what looks like an epidemic, he said the government can only bring words of consolation to the families of the deceased just as he assured the people of the state of the government’s resolve to find solution.

Mimiko said amidst conflicting and confusing information, the investigating team of experts sent by government to the area gathered that all the casualties died within hours of affliction. In all, 17 deaths have been confirmed in Ayadi Community and Ode Irele township and all the

deaths were preceded by symptoms of sudden blurred vision, headache and loss of consciousness.

“It must be said that the team was despatched to the communities affected and the General Hospital as well as other health facilities,

to gather needed information about the nature, scope and circumstances of the outbreak..

“I must state that the symptoms in this situation are not peculiar to any known epidemic and so have remained largely confounding.

Connect srt 4922 series to internet



>rj45(lan cable) for the Ethernet port

>Laptop(with vista or window7


>virus free flash drive (must be

plugged in to the front of your


>Usb modem, broadband will do

> Srt4669z firmware version 105p


1.Plug in your internet modem and connect to the net; Mozilla Firefox or crome to test that the internet networkis o.k or browsing.Now exit Mozilla or chrome.

3.Plug one end of the rj45 cable (at the back or where ever it is

located on your laptop) to the Ethernet port.

4.Plug the other end to the Ethernet port at the back of

srt4669z decoder an notice a momentarily flash display of

yellow& green light

Take note: The pin end must be turn upside down when

plugging it to the decoder!

5.Hold your remote control and go to Menu->System settings->I.P

settings on your decoder and you will see the following:

DHCP Usage: “ON”

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:


Mac Address: ( you will meet some alpha-numeric numbers there)

6.Now on your remote press the red(recall) button and wait. After some time, the decoder should automatically obtain I.P settings for you i.e fill in the numbers for you.But if that does not work for you, i.e if you wait long enough and it does not fill it for you, then do this:

DHCP Usage: sett it to “OFF”

IP Address: put

Subnet Mask: put

Gateway :


Mac Address: (don`t change)

Then exit and save.


Police rescue 4-year-old boy from kidnappers in Kano

Kano – The Police command in Kano on Thursday said it had arrested three persons, including a lady, who allegedly kidnapped a four-year-old boy in Tudun Wada Local Government Area, Kano State.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, ASP Magaji Majiya, disclosed this while briefing newsmen in Kano.

He said the suspects, who kinapped the boy at the residence of his father in Tudun Wada town on April 14, were apprehended at Tarauni Quarters, Kano metropolis.

He said one of the suspects, Aliyu Tasi’u, was a younger brother to the grandmother of the victim.

‘’Tasi’u, a family member, have access to the house of the grandmother, where the boy was abducted.”

‘’Bello Wada took the boy and handed him over to one of the suspects, Fauziyya Bala, who whisked him to their den at Tarauni Quarters,’’ he said.

Majiya also said that the suspects later called the grandmother of the victim through her GSM line and demanded a ransom of N3 million or have the child killed

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